12 October 2019, 4.15 pm
The York on Lilydale

  1. To receive the President’s report
  2. To consider and receive the financial statements
  3. Election of ordinary members of the committee of management

Nominations of financial members are invited for election to the Committee (click here for nominiation form).

In accordance with the Constitution, members with voting rights who are unable to attend the meeting may appoint a proxy (click here for form).

Anne Brackley  (Secretary)
[email protected]


  1. Minutes of the annual general meeting held on 13 October 2018 were approved as true and correct by the committee of management at its meeting on 15 December 2018 in accordance with CNAV’s constitution.  A copy of the minutes is available upon written request to the secretary
  2. As the CNAV member is the community newspaper, only one proxy is permitted for each community newspaper.  Representatives of community newspapers may nominate more than one person to be a committee of management member