History of CNAV
CNAV was established on 16 July 2005 following a Victorian Small Rural Communities Health Conference at Omeo in late 2003.
It is open to any community newspaper in Victoria. A community newspaper is defined as ‘one that is owned by its community’. Community newspapers have a very strong culture of volunteerism.
Associate membership is available to interstate and overseas community newspapers, natural persons, State and Commonwealth government departments, local government, business or community group having an interest in the area served by CNAV.
Community newspapers are the voice of the community
Mission statement
We will actively work with our members to enhance the capacity and standing of community newspapers to enable them to fully realise their role in their communities
- To develop an active network that will support the development and continuation of community newspapers in local communities.
- To raise the profile of community newspapers with all levels of government.
- To foster co-operation between community newspapers.
- To hold an annual conference and awards night.
Committee of Management

James Poyner
President and Roundabout Editor
(Warrandyte Diary)
James came from a television background working on domestic and international broadcasting in Europe and the Middle East, before emigrating to Australia in 2014, having met Sandi at the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia.
He is also an internationally published writer, having penned a book examining the rise of Donald Trump through the lens of his social media output.
James passion is long distance running. You will often find him hitting the trails in all manner of unusual places, from the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula to the Snowy mountains of South Korea and of course the forests, deserts and mountains around Australia.
James and Sandi began editing the Diary in 2017 and James joined the CNAV Committee in 2019. James has a passion for technology and a keen interest in finding innovative ways to keep his community informed in the changing world of communications.

Caroline Roff
(Koo Wee Rup Blackfish)
I have been editor of The Koo Wee Rup Blackfish since the start of 2008 and a member of the CNAV committee since 2010. My principal focus as a committee member has been the conference. Although there are many big picture things we can do for our members, the conference is something that really brings our organisation together and provides opportunities to learn and to find small ways to improve our publications. Plus it’s a great opportunity to catch up and network with other people who understand what you are going through.

Sandra Miller
(Warrandyte Diary)
Sandi has been in Warrandyte for twenty years, after growing up in nearby Kilsyth and later Croydon, spending the long hot summers of her childhood swimming in the river at Pound Bend.
She loves being in Warrandyte where she can immerse herself in the environment, enjoying nothing more than tending her garden and going for walks along the Yarra with her dog Missy.
Being the editor of the Diary has also afforded her an opportunity to become part of the fabric of the local community, getting to know anyone and everyone with a story to tell.
She wrote for the Diary for five years before taking on the editorship, along with her life partner James.
Before getting into print journalism, she spent more than twenty years at the ABC, where she worked on a range diverse programs: from Natural History Documentaries, to Current Affairs, News, Sport and Business programs, and landmark drama and comedy programs such as Phoenix, MDA, The Micallef Program and Kath & Kim.

Elaine Saunders
Committee Member
New Woodend Star

Jens Kristian Toft Hansen
Committee Member
(Ferntree Gully News)
Jens grew up in Denmark and through the family business was introduced to the publishing world early. He moved from Denmark to Melbourne in 2008. His first few years were spent away from publishing, but he was eventually pulled back into in in 2009 when Anne Boyd needed a formatter for a project which would become the Ferntree Gully News. Jens Joined the CNAV Committee in 2013. Jens served as President, and is the current Vice-President.

Helen Smith
(Village Bell)
Member of CNAV committee since 2005
Part of the Village Bell team, Upper Beaconsfield’s community magazine. The “Bell” has been published by the Upper Beaconsfield Association since 1978.
Background in teaching, school library and administration. Now retired.

Josephine Falzarano
Committee Member
New Woodend Star
Josephine is the production manager and editor of The New Woodend Star, serving the Woodend and surrounding areas.
Community papers continue to serve as valuable resources for readers interested in becoming more involved in their communities, now a retired Academic Process Analyst, Josephine feels privileged to be part of a community paper that keeps the community connected and informed.
Josephine joined the CNAV committee in 2022.

Corinne Shaddock
Committee Member
Gisborne Gazette
Originally from the US, Corinne became involved with community newspapers by volunteering to deliver the Gisborne Gazette to letterboxes in her area. New in town and with small children, she thought it would be a nice way to get involved with the community and liked the romantic notion of her kids doing a paper run. Around 2014, she read a plea from the editor for volunteers to help on the editing side and gave him a call. Having an uncle who was a journalist and real stickler for correct grammar probably prompted this decision. After some shifts helping edit submissions, Corinne agreed in 2015 to fill in for three months when the editor went on an overseas trip. He returned having decided he wanted to retire from the role and passed the baton to Corinne in September 2016.
The Gazette has been a large part of Corine’s life since then, especially in the second half of every month, and she often describes the task of getting an edition out to having a baby each month – something makes you forget all the work and dive into the next one! Editing the paper was especially rewarding during COVID and she counts herself very lucky to have had the opportunity, and purposeful distraction.
Corinne strongly believes in the power of print newspapers to build connected and respectful communities and that’s the main reason she keeps at it. She also enjoys all the happy community interaction around the paper. She joined the CNAV Committee in 2021 after enjoying happy community interaction at the CNAV conference.
On the work side, Corinne had a career in international consulting then consumer goods marketing before shifting to part-time work after starting a family. She now works as the community engagement officer of her local Community Bank branch of Bendigo Bank, primarily in the first half of the month.
History of Committee members
Aborete, Terefe 2007
Allen, Daniel (Around Altona) 2008-2009
Beales, Jenny (Mountain Monthly) 2006-2007
Billings, Graeme 2006
Bolmat, Michelle (Mountain Monthly) 2005-2006
Boudourian, Thea (Ferntree Gully News) 2013-2015
Bourke OAM, Mick (Traf News) 2005–2008, 2013-2018 (President 2005-2008)
Brackley, Anne (SpringDale Messenger) 2016-2022 (Secretary 2016-2022)
Bradfield, Karen (Churchill & District News) 2008-2009
Burgoyne, Sandy (Warrandyte Diary) 2006–2008
Burgi, Anne (North and West Melbourne News) 2021-2023
Burr, Tracey (Churchill and District News) 2020-2022
Campbell, Berni (Bridge Connect) 2008-2009
Cole, Meredith (Emerald Messenger) 2018-2020
Cook, Marina (Upper Gully News) 2013–2014
Croucher, Tim (Tallangatta Herald) 2013-2016
Downie, Alexia (New Woodend Star) 2015-2018 (Vice President 2016)
Ellis, John 2008 (Chewton Chat) co-opted, 2009, 2011–2018 (President 2013–2016)
Evans, Linda (Garfield Spectator) 2020-ongoing
Falzarano, Josephine (New Woodend Star) 2023-ongoing
Farrow, Mary (Emerald Messenger) 2018-2020 (President 2019-20)
Fortuna, Mary Jo (Waranga News) 2005–2013 (President 2009–2011, 2012-2013, Vice President 2011-2012, Secretary 2006–2007, 2008-2009)
Hart, Elizabeth (Associate Member) 2007–2012 (President 2008-2009, 2011–2012, Vice President 2007–2008, Secretary 2009-2011)
Hawkins, Vanessa (Goonong Guide) 2012–2013
Huggins, Tim (Mountain Monthly) 2008-2010
Holschier, Bob (About Town) 2005–2006 (Vice President 2005–2006)
Jacapino, Lois (Traf News) 2007-2008 (Secretary 2007–2008)
Miller, Sandra (Warrandyte Diary) 2018- ongoing (Secretary 2023-
Mortimore, John (Boronia The Basin Community News) 2006-2007
Mynard, Jim (Associate Member) co-opted 2012
O’Mara, Mick (Winchelsea Star) 2017-2019
Osman, Khalid (The Ambassador) 2006
Oshlack, Ian (Guilford Globe) 2012–2014
Poyner, James (Warrandyte Diary) 2019-ongoing
Roff, Caroline (Koo Wee Rup BlackFish) 2010–ongoing (Secretary 2011–2015, Treasurer 2016-)
Saunders, Elanie (New Woodend Star) 2024-
Shaddock, Corrinne (Great Gisborne Gazette) 2021- ongoing (Secretary 2022-2023)
Smith, Helen (Village Bell) 2005–ongoing (Treasurer 2005–2015)
Toft-Hansen, Jens Kristian (Ferntree Gully News) 2013–ongoing (Vice President 2013-2016, 2019-) (President 2017-2019)
Villagonzalo, Walter (Heathdale Chatter) 2005-2006
Vondra, Jo (Lorne Independent) 2006–2012 (Vice President 2008-2012)
Walters, Anne (Heathdale Chatter) 2005–2006 (Secretary 2005–2006)
Wood, Georgina (Goonong Guide) co-opted 2013
Woodhouse, Fay (Lancefield Mercury) 2019-2020